Momentum Recovery

Young Adult Rehab: What to Expect

Written by Rick Barney | Dec 2, 2022 5:21:22 PM

Congrats! If you’re reading this, you’ve either made the decision to enter residential addiction treatment or are seriously considering it. Regardless of where you are on your journey, this much is true: There is a strong part of you that wants to get better. To be happier. To belong. Living with substance use disorder is a hollow way to live and you have decided you’re worth more! While the initial relief of asking for help is comforting, you may find yourself wondering what the actual experience of addiction treatment will be like. You may start spiraling out of control conjuring all kinds of wild assumptions about residential addiction treatment. Before you click out of this page, though, keep reading. What you read will probably surprise you.


Young Adult Rehab: The First 24 Hours


When you first arrive at residential addiction treatment, your initial experience will resemble a doctor's appointment. You’ll meet with the admissions team, and they’ll make sure you're comfortable while they go over all your demographic, health insurance, and financial information. Once we’ve that’s all good to go, you’ll sign the final paperwork and we’ll get you officially admitted! 


Once you’re an official client, we’ll spend the first 24 hours welcoming you into our community. You’ll get acclimated to your new home, meet with our team, and get to know the other young people in your program. You’ll be shown your living quarters, given a tour of the facility, and updated with all the information needed to get settled in. It may seem like a lot, but we’ll make sure you have plenty of time to relax, start to build new relationships, and reflect on the great decision you made to enter residential addiction treatment for young men and women. 


Young Adult Rehab: The Four Stages


At Momentum Recovery, we separate addiction and mental health treatment into four phases. The first phase is “Dock,” and this is the phase where our community members begin to develop the foundation for a sober life ahead. This is the phase that most people think of when they hear “residential treatment.” While you live in our comfortable residential homes, you’ll spend the majority of your days engaged in group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, adventure-based therapy, and any other treatment techniques that have been tailored to your specific treatment plan. Every Momentum community member is unique, and every member’s treatment plan is carefully curated to address their specific needs and wants. During the Dock stage, the focus is uncovering and addressing the issues contributing to your addiction and mental health issues. Despite what you might think about therapy, it’s not all couches and notepads. Momentum is a big advocate of adventure-based therapy, which means you’ll be engaged in therapeutic activities like surfing, swimming, and fly-fishing, among others.   

The next two phases of addiction treatment at Momentum Recovery occur in conjunction with one another. Phase two is the “Anchor.” This phase is similar to an intensive outpatient program. During this phase, clients spend half their time continuing treatment and group therapy, but they also have more autonomy to start thinking about work or school. We are located around the corner from UNC Wilmington, and many Momentum community members decide to take classes or even pursue a degree there.

During “Anchor,” our community members are also engaged in “Harbor.” “Harbor” is the third phase and Momentum’s sober living program. It provides a beautiful, spacious home in Wilmington, NC, for our members to live in while they continue their addiction and mental health treatment. By continuing their journey to recovery within our “Harbor” home, they are slowly transitioning back into the real world while enjoying the 24/7 support and accountability of a residential treatment environment. Numerous studies show that the longer clients are engaged in treatment, the greater their odds of long-term sobriety are. This is the thinking behind “Anchor” and “Harbor.”


The final phase is “Compass.” During the “Compass” stage, clients are moving out on their own, living in their own housing, and establishing their lives in early recovery — all with the ongoing support and accountability that Momentum provides. This is the final stage of each member’s transition. During this stage, Momentum community members continue to work with their therapists and case managers and are regularly drug tested. They’re required to be actively involved in their recovery community and are encouraged to participate in activities and groups that foster support and a passion for long-term recovery. There is a level of autonomy that is refreshing and independent, but comes along with a safety net should any issues arise. It’s our hope that during this phase, every community member is committed to long-term sobriety and we are providing all the resources to facilitate that. 


So What Now?! Start Young Adult Rehab


By now, you’ve hopefully decided that residential addiction treatment for young adults is for you and are thoughtfully considering Momentum Recovery. The unknown can be scary, so reach out to us if you have more questions about what the treatment experience may look like with us. Ultimately, it’s up to you whether you want to change the course of your life. If you do, you can at least forge ahead with a head full of knowledge and a heart full of hope. Contact us. We hope to hear from you, so we can help you to be better, be happier, and belong — at last.