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addiction treatment young women rehab


Treating Addiction & Mental Health

Addiction is a disease with deep and tangled roots. True recovery is only possible when you take the time to identify and heal the mental health issues and trauma that are buried under the symptoms of addiction. That’s why The Cove is proud to be a dual-diagnosis addiction treatment program. Our caring and empathetic experts treat co-occurring disorders such as depression, anxiety and more, in order to provide lasting relief from addiction. Utilizing a myriad of treatment modalities, The Cove helps young women overcome addiction and the other issues holding them back, so they can live a happier, better life where they belong.

What Happens in the Cove Young Women's Mental Health & Addiction Treatment Program?

Members of The Cove community find purpose and direction through Momentum’s four-phase long-term treatment approach. During all phases of Momentum’s continuum of care, young women receive personalized case management, local recovery community resources, family programming, adventure-based therapy, educational support, financial skills development, vocational support, nutritional support, and more.

addiction treatment sober young women


dock primary addiction treatment

Phase 1: DOCK 

Primary Mental Health & Addiction Treatment

anchor extended care IOP

Phase 2: ANCHOR

Extended Care

harbor sober living

Phase 3: HARBOR

Sober Living

compass change  management

Phase 4: COMPASS

Change Management

Experiential Activities

The Cove’s experiential and adventure-based activities are not only designed to teach real life skills and coping mechanisms; but also, to help community members learn how to have fun in sobriety. Such activities may include:

rehab treatment north carolinaSwimming
young women rehab yogaYoga
young women rehab surfingSurfing
addiction sober north carolinaPaddle Boarding
kayaking young women rehabKayaking
horticulture addiction treatment rehabHorticulture
boating young women treatmentBoating
young women addiction treatment north carolinaAnd More!

Tour Our Women's Program

rehab addiction treatment sober help

Be Better. Be Happier. Belong.

Take the first step to a brighter future.