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Cove Alumni Events

Recovery thrives in community. Our Alumni Network is founded upon regular community events together. Whether it’s at a firepit 12 Step meeting or a celebratory oyster roast, you can reconnect with fellow alumni and staff, catch up on life, reflect on your time at Momentum, and continue to build your recovery — all time well spent.

To receive email updates about upcoming events, sign up here:

Connect on Social Media

Recovery doesn't just happen during business hours. Keep in touch whenever, wherever through our social media accounts. 

No matter the platform, you can stay up to date on all the latest alumni happenings and the recovery happening on campus. Visit and follow us:

Weekly Alumni Meetings

The Momentum Recovery Network is all about finding strength in one another and continuing on the path towards a better, happier, life. Join our community meeting every Monday night at 7pm for support and accountability, and keep the momentum going. 



rehab addiction treatment sober help

Something Else?

If you have questions about our Alumni Network or ideas for future events, let us know. This community belongs to you!