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What Happens In Young Adult Rehab? A Guide for Families

A guide about drug and alcohol rehab for young adults

For many families, when a young adult decides to get help for their alcoholism or substance use disorder, it can be a confusing time. It is not something many people have been through, so it is unfamiliar and scary. But don’t fear! Here at Momentum, we give the support needed to our clients so that they can get the treatment they need and return to their families and break the cycle of addiction.


Young Adults And Substance Abuse

When a child develops an addiction to alcohol and drugs, it can be scary for both the person and their parents. The disease can grab hold of their life and lead to dangerous situations and a lack of control. But substance use diseases are more common than most people know. Federal data states that 5.1 million young adults reported having a substance use disorder. Sadly, though, about 87% of those disorders went untreated.

If you are reading this, you are at least considering treatment! You are not alone in your condition, and you do not have to be alone on the road to recovery!


What Happens In Rehab

For families, it can be terrifying when a young adult admits they have a problem with drugs or alcohol. They don’t know what recovery entails. Here at Momentum, we look to treat the substance use disorder and the underlying conditions that helped contribute to their addiction.

Rehab can seem scary to many, but here it is in a community setting. Clients can get enter the facility and start by getting comfortable in their new life and the road to recovery. It starts with settling in with our caring staff and then beginning group and individual therapy sessions.

Each client has an individual plan to help in their road and recovery from alcohol and drug abuse.

Don’t worry, not all therapy is as boring as it seems on TV. At Momentum, some therapy occurs in adventure settings, including fly-fishing and swimming!

Returning To Traditional Life

As a community member continues to grow at Momentum they gain more autonomy so they can learn how to live on their own and return to their families. Gaining more freedom is done with our staff close by to make sure that clients continue their safe road to recovery and break their addiction. Eventually, clients return to living on their own or with their loved ones. This time, they have the tools to break their addiction and continue living a sober life!