When young adults struggle with drugs and alcohol, it can be troublesome. It can be hard for the teen or young adult who becomes a victim of addiction. It can change their life and make them a different person. They might lash out, have difficulties at school, get in trouble with the law and lose their friends and family.
For parents and other adults, it can be hard to watch them struggle. You don’t want to get in the middle, but you also know it can’t continue.
When both parents and a young adult decide to get help for a drug or alcohol addiction, one treatment option is rehab. This is where they can address their addiction in a safe setting and get the help they need to start the road to recovery.
But many are worried about the cost. Media and internet searches show costs that rival a new car. That isn’t always the case. Rehab for young adults can be more affordable than you think.
How Rehab Works
There are many different types of treatments for drug and alcohol addiction. One option is rehab, often in inpatient or outpatient care. Inpatient care is when a patient lives at the facility while receiving round-the-clock support. The other type is called outpatient care. This is similar, but a person returns home at the end of the day. They get the same type of support but can maintain a job or live with family after the care for the day.
Both inpatient and outpatient care offer nearly identical care options. There is therapy and counseling that happens in both group and individual settings. The hope is to get to the root of the addiction and any underlying causes. Then treat the addiction and give the tools needed to live a sober life in the traditional world.
How To Pay For It
Many people worry about paying for rehab and there are many options to help cover the cost of drug and alcohol rehab for young adults. One way is to use health insurance. Many providers will help cover the cost of rehab, though the exact amount depends on the plan. It’s best to check with your provider to know exactly what they cover.
There are also scholarships from outside sources and facilities to help cover the costs. Many facilities will work with patients either through scholarships or payment plans so they can afford the cost of rehab. Reach out to your facility or Momentum to learn about payment options for rehab.
There are also outside agencies that can help pay for the cost of rehab for young adults. These are just some of the methods available that can be used to help make rehab fit into your budget.
How To Get Help
If you are a young adult ready to stop the cycle of addiction to drugs and alcohol and start your treatment, reach out to our staff today. Our counselors at Momentum can talk to you about your condition and possible rehab options.