Momentum Recovery Blog
Choosing a Rehab for Young Adults: The Top 5 Questions to Ask
When your child or a young adult admits they need help breaking the cycle of addiction to drugs or alcohol it can be a challenging time. Many parents or patients don’t...
Substance Abuse in Young Adults - When Rehab is Necessary
Our teenage and young adult years are a time of great growth. We are becoming adults and learning about how we fit in the world. We are starting to look at future...
Inside a Drug Rehab for Young Men
Many young men can be tempted by drugs in their life. It’s not uncommon for some to give them a try and decide it is not for them. For others, sadly, the use of drugs...
It’s Not ‘Just Weed’: The Dangers of Marijuana Abuse in Young Adults
For many young adults, marijuana use can seem like a rite of passage. Friends are using the drug and it has become recreationally legal in more than a dozen states. It...
Binge Drinking: Is it Ever Really ‘Normal’?
For many young adults, drinking seems to be everywhere. It is almost like a rite of passage into adulthood. There are parties and peer pressure that encourages drinking....
Is My Child High? What You Need to Know & How to Help
Seeing a child fall victim to drugs can be difficult for any parent. The first thing to remember, a child or young adult having an addiction isn’t a sign of parental...
Young Adult Drug Treatment: How it Works
When young adults decide to get treatment for their alcohol or drug abuse, it can be a scary time. It can be frightening to admit there is a problem. It can be confusing...
Substance Abuse in Young Adults: When is Rehab Necessary?
You caught your kid smoking pot with his friends over the weekend. Or, you realized that someone’s been watering down your liquor bottles. You’re angry, disappointed —...
Young Adult Treatment Centers: How it Works
For many young adults, the decision to get treatment can be filled with angst. When teens and people in their 20s decide to get help, it can be the start of a path down...
What Happens In Young Adult Rehab? A Guide for Families
For many families, when a young adult decides to get help for their alcoholism or substance use disorder, it can be a confusing time. It is not something many people...